Latest Publications

847 Twelve years on: Christchurch’s recovery from the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes Ken Elwood
846 Hinemihi 2.0, whare for export Anthony Hoete
845 Te Whare Rangitupu: the Scaffolded Whare Anthony Hoete
844 Flooding and urbanism Anthony Hoete
843 Resilient Papakāinga Olga Filippova
842 Method for the explicit consideration of ground motion duration in NZS 1170.5 Reagan Chandramohan
840 Meet EDDIE - QuakeCoRE’s new earthquake test dummy. Lucas Hogan
839 Enhancing earthquake and tsunami preparedness and response in Kura Kaupapa Māori/Schools in Te Tairāwhiti and Waiāriki, Aotearoa New Zealand. Julia Becker
838 Base isolated building performance and the impact of the national seismic hazard model Tim Sullivan
837 A review of practice oriented methods for estimating seismic demands on parts and components Reagan Chandramohan
836 Grade 8.8 Structural Bolt Tensile Performance Gregory MacRae
835 Shake-table testing of a stone masonry building aggregate: overview of blind prediction study Dmytro Dizhur
834 Hierarchical Federated Learning with Social Context Clustering Based Participant Selection for Internet of Medical Things Applications Nirmal Nair
833 Relation between liquefaction resistance and shear modulus of crushable volcanic soils Rolando Orense
832 The architecture of interaction Anthony Hoete
830 Using heritage building registers to characterise unreinforced masonry buildings of Brisbane, Australia Jason Ingham
829 Māori values in geothermal management and development Jason Ingham
827 Experimental Study on Low-Damage Performance of Sliding Hinge Joint G Charles Clifton
826 Seismic performance of a low-damage rocking column base joint along weak axis G Charles Clifton
825 Modelling of residential house perimeter foundation beams subjected to ground deformations Tim Sullivan
824 The Fiscal Costs of Earthquakes in Japan Ilan Noy
823 Te Whare Rangitupu: the scaffolded house. Anthony Hoete
822 Influence of remedial ground densification on seismic site amplification Liam Wotherspoon
821 Efficiency assessment of seismic isolation (with energy dissi-pation) by gravel-rubber mixtures Alessandro Palermo
819 Public expectations of damage and disruption to existing multi-storey buildings in earthquakes Ken Elwood
818 Post-earthquake building functionality: preliminary findings of a systematic review Alice Chang Richards
817 Prediction of road blockages triggered by co-seismic landslides Liam Wotherspoon
816 Vulnerability of power distribution utility poles to tsunami bore impacts Colin Whittaker
815 Safe as Houses? The Limits of Seismic Building Regulation in Aotearoa New Zealand John Hopkins
813 High performance rocking timber wall structure with innovative low damage floor connections Support Team