Latest Publications

40 Seismic risk management of a large public facilities portfolio: a New Zealand case study Jason Ingham
39 Seismic Assessment and Improvement of Unreinforced Stone Masonry Buildings: Literature Review and Application to New Zealand Jason Ingham
38 Panel connection details in existing New Zealand precast concrete buildings Jason Ingham
37 Building typologies and failure modes observed in the 2015 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquake Jason Ingham
36 Experimental evaluation of seismically and non-seismically detailed external RC beam-column joints’, Journal of Earthquake Engineering Jason Ingham
35 The effect of causal parameter bounds on PSHA-based ground motion selection Brendon Bradley
34 The 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence: Environmental effects, seismic triggering thresholds and geologic legacy Matthew Hughes
33 Ground motion simulations of damaging recent and future earthquakes using NeSI HPC resources Brendon Bradley
32 Systematic vertical ground motion observations in the Canterbury earthquakes Brendon Bradley
31 Characterizing GeoNet strong motion sites: Site metadata update for the 2015 Strong motion database Brendon Bradley
30 Seismic performance and loss assessment of a typical New Zealand code-conforming reinforced concrete building Brendon Bradley
29 Nationwide seismic hazard maps of New Zealand using recent developments in rupture forecast and ground motion prediction Brendon Bradley
28 Simulation of strong asymmetrical vertical acceleration at Heathcote Valley in the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes Brendon Bradley
27 The Canterbury velocity model (CantVM) version 1. Computational implementation, south island extension, and integration within the UCVM framework Brendon Bradley
26 Investigation of regional quality factors from a New Zealand-wide velocity model Brendon Bradley
25 Broadband ground motion simulation of the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence Brendon Bradley
24 Improving our understanding of 1D site response model behaviour: Physical insights for statistical deviations from 114 KiK-net sites. Brendon Bradley
23 Late Holocene liquefaction at sites of contemporary liquefaction during the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence Brendon Bradley
22 Signature failure modes of pipelines constructed of different materials when subjected to earthquakes Rick Henry
21 Residual drift analyses of realistic self-centering concrete wall systems Rick Henry
20 Testing of Reinforced Concrete Frames Extracted from a Building Damaged during the Canterbury Earthquakes Rick Henry
19 Finite element analysis of the PreWEC self-centering concrete wall system Rick Henry
18 Estimating Thrust Forces Due To Arching Action of Clay Brick Masonry Infill Dmytro Dizhur
17 Rapid identification and taxonomical classification of structural seismic attributes in a regionwide commercial building stock Jason Ingham
16 Structural Dynamic Response of an Unreinforced Masonry House using Non-Destructive Forced Vibration Jason Ingham
15 Out-of-plane seismic response of vertically spanning unreinforced masonry walls connected to flexible diaphragms Jason Ingham
14 In-plane and out-of-plane testing of unreinforced masonry walls strengthened using polymer textile reinforced mortar Jason Ingham
13 Assessment of mortar properties in vintage clay brick unreinforced masonry buildings Dmytro Dizhur
12 Construction Details and Observed Earthquake Performance of Unreinforced Clay Brick Masonry Cavity-walls Dmytro Dizhur
11 Out-of-plane testing of unreinforced masonry walls using ECC shotcrete Liam Wotherspoon