40 |
Seismic risk management of a large public facilities portfolio: a New Zealand case study |
Jason Ingham |
39 |
Seismic Assessment and Improvement of Unreinforced Stone Masonry Buildings: Literature Review and Application to New Zealand |
Jason Ingham |
38 |
Panel connection details in existing New Zealand precast concrete buildings |
Jason Ingham |
37 |
Building typologies and failure modes observed in the 2015 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquake |
Jason Ingham |
36 |
Experimental evaluation of seismically and non-seismically detailed external RC beam-column joints’, Journal of Earthquake Engineering |
Jason Ingham |
35 |
The effect of causal parameter bounds on PSHA-based ground motion selection |
Brendon Bradley |
34 |
The 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence: Environmental effects, seismic triggering thresholds and geologic legacy |
Matthew Hughes |
33 |
Ground motion simulations of damaging recent and future earthquakes using NeSI HPC resources |
Brendon Bradley |
32 |
Systematic vertical ground motion observations in the Canterbury earthquakes |
Brendon Bradley |
31 |
Characterizing GeoNet strong motion sites: Site metadata update for the 2015 Strong motion database |
Brendon Bradley |
30 |
Seismic performance and loss assessment of a typical New Zealand code-conforming reinforced concrete building |
Brendon Bradley |
29 |
Nationwide seismic hazard maps of New Zealand using recent developments in rupture forecast and ground motion prediction |
Brendon Bradley |
28 |
Simulation of strong asymmetrical vertical acceleration at Heathcote Valley in the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes |
Brendon Bradley |
27 |
The Canterbury velocity model (CantVM) version 1. Computational implementation, south island extension, and integration within the UCVM framework |
Brendon Bradley |
26 |
Investigation of regional quality factors from a New Zealand-wide velocity model |
Brendon Bradley |
25 |
Broadband ground motion simulation of the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence |
Brendon Bradley |
24 |
Improving our understanding of 1D site response model behaviour: Physical insights for statistical deviations from 114 KiK-net sites. |
Brendon Bradley |
23 |
Late Holocene liquefaction at sites of contemporary liquefaction during the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence |
Brendon Bradley |
22 |
Signature failure modes of pipelines constructed of different materials when subjected to earthquakes |
Rick Henry |
21 |
Residual drift analyses of realistic self-centering concrete wall systems |
Rick Henry |
20 |
Testing of Reinforced Concrete Frames Extracted from a Building Damaged during the Canterbury Earthquakes |
Rick Henry |
19 |
Finite element analysis of the PreWEC self-centering concrete wall system |
Rick Henry |
18 |
Estimating Thrust Forces Due To Arching Action of Clay Brick Masonry Infill |
Dmytro Dizhur |
17 |
Rapid identification and taxonomical classification of structural seismic attributes in a regionwide commercial building stock |
Jason Ingham |
16 |
Structural Dynamic Response of an Unreinforced Masonry House using Non-Destructive Forced Vibration |
Jason Ingham |
15 |
Out-of-plane seismic response of vertically spanning unreinforced masonry walls connected to flexible diaphragms |
Jason Ingham |
14 |
In-plane and out-of-plane testing of unreinforced masonry walls strengthened using polymer textile reinforced mortar |
Jason Ingham |
13 |
Assessment of mortar properties in vintage clay brick unreinforced masonry buildings |
Dmytro Dizhur |
12 |
Construction Details and Observed Earthquake Performance of Unreinforced Clay Brick Masonry Cavity-walls |
Dmytro Dizhur |
11 |
Out-of-plane testing of unreinforced masonry walls using ECC shotcrete |
Liam Wotherspoon |